Wednesday, August 21, 2013

drive to dingle

I have been to Ireland so many times and have so many pictures of the place, it's a little crazy.  Every time I am there I take photos...of the same scenery I shot the year before.  It is just so beautiful. Admittedly, I get sick of spending nearly all of our travel time and money on trips to Ireland but the beauty of the place blows me away every time.  I am always a little in awe. 

After stopping in Rome for four days, we flew to Dublin and made the 4ish hour drive down to County Kerry {where Neil is from}.  We spent our entire trip this time in Kerry.  It only really rained one of the days we we there and most of the time it was nice and sunny.  

The first day In Ireland we drove out to Dingle.  If you are ever in Ireland, Dingle is such a great little town to visit.  It's about an hour drive from Neil's hometown and I realized that I had not been there since one of my first trips to Ireland seven years ago. The day was so sunny and warm.  Ireland is a different country when the sun is shining.

In Dingle we wandered around, ate at the Chowder Cafe, drank a few of the Tom Crean's local brews from the Dingle Brewing Company, got ice cream from Murphy's {some of the best ice cream in the world}, and took photos.  It was a good day.

p.s. I know that all these pictures are basically the same shot again and again but I couldn't pick just one or two to share :).

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  1. Replies
    1. it was such a gorgeous day - everything looked fake! like a painting or something.


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